Multimedia Video Production

The trend of watching short videos is prevalent among the masses, and multimedia videos are especially important and essential in online media promotion. Short videos can quickly attract eyeballs and provide maximum information to audiences, generating more attention and shares. These factors help brand or corporate increase its visibility and influence in the market. In addition, multimedia videos intuitively convey brand or corporate information and values, allowing audiences to better understand and accept them, thus enhancing the competitiveness and recognizability of the brand or corporate in the market.


Therefore, MediaOnAsia provides clients with high-quality and comprehensive multimedia video production services to meet different video production needs. In combining with our online marketing strategies, we achieve better and more effective marketing results for clients.

3 Benefits

01 Increased Engagement

01 Increased Engagement

Video content is more engaging than text or image-based content. It allows brands to tell their story in a more immersive way and connect with their audience on a deeper level.

02 Improved Brand Awareness

02 Improved Brand Awareness

Video content has the potential to reach a wider audience and can be shared across various social media platforms. It is also more likely to be shared by viewers, increasing brand exposure.

03 Better Conversion Rates

03 Better Conversion Rates

Video content can lead to better conversion rates, as it has the ability to showcase a product or service in action and demonstrate its features and benefits. This can lead to increased sales and revenue for the brand.

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Harness the Captivating Power of Video!

Brand Interview Video

It is a vivid and flexible form of media communication. For commercial brands,  interview video can effectively increase their visibility and help connect with audiences. Another advantage of interview video is that it makes the brand more humanized in allowing audiences to better understand and resonate with the brand’s values and ideas. Ultimately, audiences develop a sense of trust and connection with the brand. Therefore, a high-quality brand interview video is able to display the brand’s characteristics and advantages along with getting audience attention and interest, as well as enhancing brand competitiveness.”

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Promo Video (Product / Service)

Promotional videos for products or services are crucial for brands, as they offer a direct and effective means of communication. A promotional video can intuitively showcase the unique features and advantages of a product or service, allowing the audience to quickly understand the brand’s offerings, and thus increasing brand exposure and website traffic. Therefore, promotional videos are indispensable in online social media marketing. A well-crafted and engaging promotional video can also significantly improve sales and conversion rates, as well as enhance a brand’s competitiveness in the market.

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2D Animation

Animation is a creative and visually engaging form of multimedia that is crucial for promoting brand products or services. Animation brings brand stories and product features to life, allowing audiences to gain a deeper understanding of the brand and product. Compared to traditional flat advertising or textual introductions, animation is more eye-catching, memorable. It also enhance brand recognition and freshness. Moreover, animation is relatively easy to produce and cost-effective, and can be applied to various online platforms such as websites, social media, and mobile applications, thereby increasing brand exposure and website traffic. Animation has great advantages in promoting brand products or services online.

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Event Planning & Multimedia Production Support

MediaOnAsia offers one-stop event planning and multimedia production support for businesses and brands as they showcase and promote themselves in Hong Kong during the market’s resurgence. Event planning services include project management, graphic design, stage setup, venue communication, process arrangement, and third-party liaison. Meanwhile, multimedia production support covers on-site photo shooting, event video shooting, on-site or online live streaming, and event-themed animation or promo video.

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